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Friday, September 19, 2014

at and around Trestles Hurley Pro (mens pro surfing) (September 2014 ) & Swatches (womens) + Biblical Inspiration

 at and around 
Trestles Hurley Pro
 (mens pro surfing) 
(September 2014 ) 
& Swatches
+ Biblical Inspiration

"The persons without the Spirit do not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God,...
for they are foolishness to them, & these people cannot understand them, because the things of the Spirit of God are spiritually discerned."
1 Corinthians 2:14

the cowardly lifeguard 
that tried to embarrass me

“Live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic,...

above: Coco Ho & her pink surfboard as brothers & sisters, be
& humble."
1 Peter 3:8

sally fitzgibbons

above: is this Bianca Buitendag?

above: first these two people sat down in front of me in chairs
 (later they were nice after an incident...he seemed to be a nice guy, but lacked a bit of self-awarness)
so I moved to a new spot (hard to find) and shortly later, this group put their shade sail directly in front of us blocking the entire view...I don't think this was a matter of lack of self-awareness either, just selfishness I moved again and shortly later, this lady set up shop right in front of I moved and sat right in front of her the way she sat in front of me..and she finally "got it"...apparently she had been there much of the morning but when she sat down in front of me there was no evidence of anybody being there, or having been there..and when I asked her if she was staying there permanently she didn't even bother explaining..simply "yup" as if to say "to hell with you" and "I don't have to explain"

above & below: Adrian "Ace" Buchan

"Do not throw away your confidence;... will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere... 

so that when you have done the will of God, ...

you will receive what He has promised."
Hebrews 10:35-36
lack of self-awareness or they just didn't care? these two people stood for many minutes in conversation oblivious to ALL the CAMERAS trying to capture footage of the surfers
above: nice lady near me
"Be self-controlled & alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour....
above & below: the great Kelly Slater...he lost to John John Florence in the semi-finals, but he's still going strong at age 42, which the announcers apparently think is old age. Don't listen to them, Kelly. 42 is NOT OLD !

"...Resist the devil, stand firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings."
1 Peter 5:8-9

Above: Hawaiian surfer, Coco Ho,
 & her pink surfboard
above: Tracy Gilmore after winning quarter or semi-finals...she went on to win the contest ! Congrats Tracy
also see video of her after winning at 

above & below: Johanne Defay, womens pro surfer from France

above: John John Florence heading to the water for his heat versus Kelly Slater
Kelly Slater getting mentally prepared for his heat versus JohnJohn Florence

above: Jordy Smith  after quarter or semi-finals..he went on to win the contest

"We know & rely on the love God has 
for us...
...God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, &
 God in him."
1 John 4:16